
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Brisbane to Sydney Opera House (virtual run)

Life and ice hockey sometimes just get in the way.  I had planned on doing a 10k run on Friday but that plan has been torpedoed.  My boss approached me yesterday and asked that I change my plans because he needs me to do something at work on Friday.  These things happen sometimes.  I was going to do a long run today instead but the Boston Bruin v. Chicago Blackhawk triple overtime game put a stop to that.  I settled instead for a 6k run.  I completed a 4k run yesterday so at least I have done 10ks the past couple of days.  I plan on doing another 6k run tomorrow after work so at least that's something.  I have this Monday off so lets hope I can get in another 10k run. 

The rain finally let up here in Brisbane so I didn't have to run through too many puddles.  It was a perfect running evening and Mrs. Slowrunning was in the pool doing her swimming thing.  It's been a good day today.

I got home and weighed myself and I'm starting to finally see some positive results.  For weeks I was stuck between 90 and 91kgs but after today's run I'm down to 88.9 (195lbs) 15.1kgs (33lbs).  I still have a ways to go.  According to Runners World Magazine my ideal running weight is 73kgs.  Which means I have to lose another 15.9kgs.  So I am about half way there.  Sounds like fun.

Distance: 10ks (6.2 miles)
Total kilometres: 425.68ks (264.5 miles)
Kilometres left: 584.32 k (363 miles)
Weight: 88.9 kg (195lbs)
Calories burned: 909

Total Calories burned: 40,157
If you have anything to add please leave a comment or email me at

I created a group on the miCoach website for all the slowrunners out there. If you are interested in joining the group please sign up on the miCoach site and download the free miCoach app for your smart phone. Here is the link:

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