
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Brisbane to Sydney Opera House (virtual run)

For the second run in a row I was able to run 5ks without stopping.  This is an improvement over the last few weeks.  For awhile there I could only run 3ks (without stopping) and I am now up to 5.  I'll have to slowly increase over the next few weeks.  The problem is time.  I'm about to go into the intensive training at work which means I will be busy from 7:30 am to about 5:00 pm at night.  I can run after work obviously but the running path near work is only 5.5ks long.  I'll have to figure something out.

The weather has been much better.  My run today started at 8 am and it was on 22c.  The perfect running weather will start soon and I'll have a good 6 month window to get in as many kilometers as I can.  The good news is that there have been no injuries and I have not gotten sick.  Lets hope both of these continue.


Distance: 5k (3.1 miles)
Total kilometres: 118.72 (73.14miles)
Kilometres left: 891.28(553.14 miles)
Weight: 90.9kg (200lbs)
Calories burned: 508

Total Calories burned: 11366

If you have anything to add please leave a comment or email me at

I created a group on the miCoach website for all the slowrunners out there. If you are interested in joining the group please sign up on the miCoach site and download the free miCoach app for your smart phone. Here is the link:

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