
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

first run in 4 days.......

I started work today at 6:00 am.....a terrible time to start when you have a bad back (pain in the ass).  When my alarm went off all I wanted to do was stay in bed.  I dragged myself into the shower and started to wake up.  After a cup of coffee and a light breakfast I stepped outside and felt the early morning chill.  My mind really wasn't on work.  My run was all that was on my mind.

I got home took a quick nap and waited till about 5:00 pm before I hit the road.  I made sure that I did every single stretch the physio had shown me yesterday.  I started off with a brisk walk and after about a minute broke into a slow jog and didn't really start running hard (for me at least) till the 1K mark.  In total I ran 3K's and didn't feel any pain what so ever.  I am very happy about that.  I'm going to run after work tomorrow with VH and the good thing about running with her is that we run at a very easy pace as she is just starting out.  The B2B is only 3 weeks away and I feel ready.

If you anything to add please leave a comment or email me at

I created a group on the miCoach website for all the slowrunners out there. If you are interested in joining the group please sign up on the miCoach site and download the free miCoach app for your smart phone. Here is the link:

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