
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 9: Brisbane to the Sydney Opera House (virtual run)

The injury.

The strangest thing has happened today.  I got home from work and decided I was going to do a run tonight.  Nothing impossible.....just a 5k or a 7k run.  But as I was walking around my kitchen I felt a sharp pain in my left knee.  I wasn't doing anything.....not twisting or turning....I was just walking.  I've iced it right away and now, a few hours later it feels slightly better.  I know that my run for tonight has been scraped.  While it feels better I don't want to risk a more serious injury.  I'm going to ice it for the rest of the night and take it really easy and see how I feel tomorrow.  I hope this does not put my Sydney run into any jeopardy.  I still have 990ks to do. 

Anyway, fingers crossed that its not a very serious injury.  I'll post more info when I have it.

-The Slow Running Man-

If you have anything to add please leave a comment or email me at

I created a group on the miCoach website for all the slowrunners out there. If you are interested in joining the group please sign up on the miCoach site and download the free miCoach app for your smart phone. Here is the link:

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