I convinced VH to run with me again tonight. We upped the tempo from last weeks run. Last week we ran 1 minute and then walked 2 minutes for 20 minutes. In total we ran 2K's. This week we ran for 2 minutes and walked for 2 minutes. I told her we were going to run for 20 minutes....but I lied. We ran for 22 minutes. In total VH and I ran for 3K's. Great work VH. Also, she wants to update this blog on the songs she listened to on her run. So I wonder how many Pat Benatar songs made it on her playlist? Update on her songs soon.
Tomorrow I'm doing an 8K run with my running buddy KW. It will be my third run day in a row. My left shin was giving me a bit of pain today so I hope tomorrow it doesn't bother me. Only one way to find out.
Miss Slow running has not run for about a week now. Leave a comment with your support to encourage Miss Slow running into running again.
Have fun running 8km tomorrow! Look after that shin. Good job KW!